Immunity Fix Food Pyramid

The traditional food pyramid is to be honest, a joke. The base consisting of processed or unprocessed carbs (they don’t really make a distinction) and followed up the top the way it is a disaster waiting to happen. For any body. But especially for anyone struggling with autoimmune, chronic health issues, hormonal imbalance and difficulty losing fat and gaining lean muscle.
Let’s talk about the pyramid that will not only help all of the things mentioned above, but ALSO make your body an amazing and efficient vessel to fight off viruses, bacteria and fungus!

FATS- Fats matter. Healthier fats to choose are grass fed saturated fats (butter, lard, ghee, tallow), avacado, coconut and olive oil. Stay away or greatly limit partially hydrogenated oils, seed oils such as canola, rapeseed, etc. A healthy balance of these oils will help your heart, brain and digestion function at it’s prime!

CARBOHYDRATES- Carbohydrates are energy. Period. You need them. The difference between a healthy choice of carbs and unhealthy is where and when you are eating them. Root vegetables such as potatoes, yams, winter squash, beets, turnips etc as well as higher glycemic fruits like bananas and mangos are great sources of carbs. Organic rice and organic sprouted oats are the next best option. When eating any grains, anything sprouted or soured is always going to be best. The key is here occasional, better, BEST! No food is off limits in a healthy diet, but we must know the foods that don’t serve us what so ever (sugar, processed etc) are to be looked at as treats, not a daily part of our everyday diet. Look at every calorie as a fuel. Keeping an 80/20 mindset is always the best and healthiest way to keep an ongoing nutritious diet and optimal vitality that will last a lifetime.

PROTEIN- Hands down your best sources of protein as well as B vitamin, conjugated lineolic acid, amino acids, and iron will be coming from meat. GRASS fed , local, humanely raised is always best, but doing the best within your budget is also equally as important, as stress is still the leading cause of death. Those who eat an unhealthier diet, but live a life of much less stress tend to overall still be healthier physically and mentally.

Herbs, spices, nutraceuticals, sunlight, salt and minerals are all an INCREDIBLY important part of your diet. Sunlight brings warmth and healing to our skin as well as vitamin D. Salt and minerals help balance pH levels in the body as well as keep muscles, bones and electrolyte levels optimal. Herbs, spices, and neutraceuticals help us ward off viruses, bacteria, fungi, as well as build our immune system to be a better host when illnesses do arrive. We WILL get sick. It’s part of life and often very cleansing to the the body. The degree to HOW sick we get though, is entirely dependent on the immune system.
So what about you? Which of these areas of nutrition do you find the hardest to maintain? And what if anything has improving diet helped your immune system!?
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