Maybe you are like me, where boundary setting used to be extremely difficult.
🤍Some of the thoughts in my head were:
💡This is unloving.
💡I am going to burn this bridge.
💡This is selfish.
💡How is this going to solve anything?
💡I don’t like to stir the pot.
💡I don’t want he or she to be mad at me.
▪️Maybe boundary setting is a cake walk for you. This post probably isn’t for you then.
🤍However, if you are of the many who are in a struggling, or narcissistic relationship with someone and/or just struggle in general with putting everyone else’s needs first before yours, this post may be of help to you.
⭐️First of all when it comes to setting boundaries, remembering you are controlling the flow of what comes in and out of your life.
⭐️You are letting in the good in and keeping out the bad and vice versa.
▪️1.Be clear and specific. The best and most effective word in setting boundaries is, “NO!”
▪️2.Be firm and direct. Remind the person that you hold ownership of yourself, not the offender.
▪️3.Do not negotiate. Have a strong support system to help you with your no. We need relationships but we also need new input and teaching from wise and loving support systems.
▪️4.Do not apologize. OF course apologize when you have been the offender, but in dealing with true narcissists, usually the issue lies within them. Actions have consequences. Idle threats serve no purpose to you or the offender. Let the offender know the seriousness of the respect we hold for ourselves. God wants nothing more from His children.
🤎What about you?
*Do you struggle putting boundaries in place?
* Are you in a narcissistic relationship and struggling regaining ownership of your health and wellbeing?
🤍Stop the Stigma
🤍End the Cycle.