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Saving Wisconsin Together

People often ask me, "Sara, why do you talk about politics so much as a health and wellness coach? What do politics have anything to do with health? Why don't you just stick to helping middle aged women lose weight?"

Yeah, I have actually been asked that.

Honestly, the answer is pretty simple. The reason is because health and wellness are so much more than calories in and calories out. It is beyond "should I do cardio or focus on strength training." It exceeds, "should I eat a keto or higher carb diet." In fact, to be quite frank, the older and somewhat (questionable to some) wiser I become, I realize health and wellness have SO much more to do then all three of those things put together. You see, you can do all the things. Eat the foods, or lack thereof. Lift the heavy things. Take the supplements. Yet, if your mental health is not in check, then none of those things actually matter.

When our bodies are in a constant state of stress, our digestion is greatly affected. In fact, science shows that digestion is about 25% WHAT you eat and about 75% who you are being and feeling when you eat. Driving around to your next appointment while eating in the car, even if in a decent mood, is actually a stress to your body that impacts your digestion. Did you also know, that your saliva has enzymes that break down food so that is can be digested and absorbed into your body? Yes! Food is more than just taste! Your body has to be able to absorb the nutrients for it to be effective. The average person takes only between 3-5 chews before they swallow their food! This is NOT efficient in breaking down the food with your saliva so that your body can use it for energy and nutrients. So today, make it your GOAL to SLOW DOWN, chew your food, and make at least one of your meals today last twenty minutes, ok?

Ok. Great :)

Stress, and how are bodies are affected by it is just one of many things that need to be addressed if we are looking at health from a holistic perspective. So why then do I talk so much about politics?

Let me explain.

Dr. Patrick Flynn from the Wellness Way said it perfectly once when he was asked the same question. Neither one of us WANT to talk about politics. But, somewhere along the line, the government decided it would start ignoring the Constitution to which this great Republic was founded, and start sticking it's nose (and hands, and feet, and mouth and money) into our health choices and freedoms. They decided they would use our tax dollars, whether we liked it or not, to fund abortions and abortive means of birth control for reasons such as unwanted pregnancies and vaccines. They decided they would tell us what medications we could take based on cost of what they wanted to cover. (Our loss, their gain.) They decided what doctors we could see and when. They decided we would wear masks if we wanted to buy food, attend events, or flipping ride a bike. (outside) They decided they would force vaccines on people if they wanted to fly on planes or go to school. They created chaos, animosity and frankly, they knew exactly what they were doing.

So, a large population of this country, I would say a good 50% said," HAHAHAH! I don't think so!" and realized that the days of separating health and politics were over. They made it a problem, so now, we have made it our mission.

As a Christian, I whole heartedly believe in submitting to authority. God created authority for order and protection. But, when your own government is disobeying their OWN set rules (Constitution, Law and Order etc) then it has become tyranny, and rebellion becomes duty. (Thomas Jefferson... not my words folks.)

This "circles back" then, as to why in the world would Sara spend so much time delving into politics. I would think the reasons I stated above should make things crystal clear. (However, I also would think the grass being green would be an absolute as well, but today's planet dwellers are proving to me more and more each day, that absolute truth has become "but there are infinite genders" types of conversations, and that's where I say,


There just is no time, energy, or purpose in trying to convince the mentally ill into something their brains are not capable of understanding. The only, and best, answer to that, is prayer.

With all that said, I wanted to share the enlightening and encouraging interview I was able to have with 2022 governor of Wisconsin candidate, Jonathan Wichmann last week! This man gives SO much hope for the future of our beloved Badger state! Please take a listen HERE and considering donating, volunteering, sharing, and most importantly praying for this man and his wife, and that God would use his talents and allow him to become the next great leader of Wisconsin. His mission is #SavingWisconsinTogether, and I couldn't agree more, that his vision clearly shows just that!

Now, go chew that food and sip that wine, and ENJOY this day God gave you! :)

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2 commentaires

John E. Kessler
John E. Kessler
08 juin 2021

Insightful as always Sara!!

08 juin 2021
En réponse à

Thank you John! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

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