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Save the babies!!

Updated: Jul 25, 2022

I had the honor of interviewing Dan Miller, the state director of Pro Life Wisconsin on my podcast last week, and I am pretty sure we could have gone on for HOURS! In fact, we both agreed it would take not hours, but WEEKS, to chat about all the baby saving information , so Dan suggested we chat again soon and I concurred.


What stories he has to share in his decades "on the sidewalks."

Dan Miller has logged more than 6,000 hours sidewalk counseling at abortion facilities. He personally witnessed more than 700 babies saved from abortion – one of those babies is his godson, Joseph. Dan is fourth-degree Knight in the Knights of Columbus and volunteers as the state director for the Knights' State Council Culture of Life Committee. Dan's story is highlighted in chapter 34 of the 40 Days for Life's book, "Discover What God Has Done." Dan and his wife, Janine, live in Milwaukee.

From Pro Life Wisconsin website:

"For over 25 years, we've brought Wisconsin together to cultivate a culture of life.


In 1992, almost 20 years after Roe v. Wade, a new statewide legislative and educational pro-life organization was formed in Wisconsin. The vision for this new organization was shared by dedicated and experienced pro-lifers who realized that the pro-life movement needed to refocus on principle to achieve total protection for all preborn children.

Pro-Life Wisconsin is that organization.

Founded on the bedrock principle of the pro-life movement – that all preborn babies are "persons" and all innocent persons share the inalienable right to life – Pro-Life Wisconsin educates the public and lobbies elected officials.

Believing that "it is never the will of the Father in heaven that one of these little ones should be lost" (Matthew 18:14), Pro-Life Wisconsin is a Christian organization relying on God to change hearts and minds toward His most precious creation of human life.

As a legislative and educational organization, Pro-Life Wisconsin is continually working to bring us closer to the day when all babies in Wisconsin (no matter how they were conceived, what stage of development they are at, or whether or not they are in perfect health) are protected in every community in our state.

Through advocacy at the State Capitol in Madison, we urge our elected officials to ban abortion without exceptions for rape, incest or the life and health of the mother.

We advocate passage of a state constitutional amendment to establish the legal personhood of every preborn child from fertilization.

We defend the conscience rights of medical professionals who refuse to prescribe or dispense abortifacient drugs or devices, and we work to stop all efforts to legalize euthanasia, assisted suicide and infanticide.

In communities throughout our state, Pro-Life Wisconsin local affiliate groups change hearts and minds by spreading the Gospel of Life in their communities.

By educating friends and neighbors about the connection between contraception and abortion, Pro-Life Wisconsin builds up strong families, which reduces sexual promiscuity, unplanned pregnancies and abortions."

Every life deserve the chance to live that God created him/her for. God creates and God takes. This is not the choice of human will.

Help me and the millions of us out there be a "voice for the voiceless."

You can tune in to listen to my podcast with Dan HERE

If you would like to learn more about Pro Life Wisconsin and what they do please visit:

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