Well, we made it halfway through June! I am never less than astonished how fast summer goes...every. single. year. And, it just goes faster and faster each summer. I don't think anyone would debate that! Each year, I say as soon as the 4th of July is over, summer just sprints to the end and before you know it, you are filling backpacks, buying new shoes for the kids who seem to have all turned unto Bigfoot since their last pair, and signing LOTS AND LOTS of forms.
This coming school year brings an entirely NEW "start of the year" to my husband and I. Our oldest will be Lord-willing, heading to college! He is also signed on to playing college football at his new school, and before his senior year was even over, he was already working on his conditioning programming for his college career! Life is so different from "when I was a kid." Yeah, yeah, I rolled my eyes too whenever I heard my parents or grandparents say that, but the truth of the matter is, everyone will say it at some point if they live long enough. Hindsight really is 20/20 and yes, your parents WERE right. (Usually.) ;). Some of the biggest changes I personally see, (and I know the 'virus' had a lot to do with this in pushing all sports back from their original starting times) is MULTIPLE sports happening at once. Usually, when school was out for summer, we played a summer sport. (Baseball or softball.). We enjoyed that sport and while some of us were on traveling teams and in a camp or two as well, we really were only doing that sport. A few weeks before school started was the much dreaded "hell week" for the football boys conditioning camp or the girls in volleyball. I went to a small private Christian high school, so at that time we didn't even have cross country, soccer, golf, etc, so it was really only volleyball or tennis for the girls, and football or nothing for the boys.(feminists, take note) I remember we had to run a mile each day for volleyball conditioning week, and I LOATHED it. haha. Yet, when I look back, our sports teams were better (winning more, making state) than they are now even with all this extra conditioning, personal coaching and time. AND! The athletes seemed to be stronger and bigger. (less injuries) I never remember so many concussions or any concussion protocol. Sure, there would be injuries here and there but NOTHING like it seems to be today.
(My three adorable handsome sons for blogger rights. ;) )
To learn more about concussions and their symptoms from renowned brain health expert Dr. Daniel Amen
Are our kids overworked? Are they working out and doing to many sports at one time? Is their nutrition lacking that much more? Less sleep? Not as physically engaged with and aware of their body mechanics due to all of the electronic stimuli they have had/have growing up?
I don't know the answers. I can speculate all day. I can go on "gut" wisdom (which about 9 out of 10 times as a mom has seemed to be right for me). I can deductively reason after reading facts and data. (Contrary to what some may think, I actually CAN do both.) ;). But I guess because I don't have the many capital letters after my name and the debt to show my allegiance to those institutions, I often get side swiped. However, as a mom of 4 kids of a vast variety of ages, I can say without a doubt, I think everything I mentioned above probably has a bit to blame as the cause of these issues. Whatever the cause/s may be, I will say one thing without a shadow of doubt. "Even coaches need coaching."

There is only ONE being and one being alone who knows it all. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen, to all my Christians in the house! That said, whatever your beliefs, no one here living as a human on earth knows it all. No one goes to the grave having learned everything. Although they do say, and I do agree, when an Octogenarian dies, it's like an entire library being burnt to the ground, not even they know it all. They know A LOT....but not all.
I am excited to announce that since being a certified Life and Health Coach through the Health Coach Institute, I have now decided with blessing and encouragement from my husband, to continue my learning through Bach Business Coaching. Eric Bach, (native of Green Bay, GO PACK!) reached out to me on Instagram because he liked my content. Now, usually I just skim over these messages because most are either bots, weirdos, or people trying to make an MLM sale, but Eric seemed different. He seemed genuine. He sent audio messages so I knew he was a real person and the whole "midwest Green Bay" commonality didn't hurt either. I checked out his site and was impressed, but leery. Although I knew coaching was something I was planning on investing in, in the future, I wasn't necessarily expecting NOW, and I definitely wasn't thinking that sticker price. However, when I continued to read client after client success testimony, full money back guarantee OR coaching continuously until you made back your investment, I was close to sold. Conversation with the other half and prayer than sealed the deal. Here are a few things from the Bach Performance coaching site that show a bit about who he is and what he promises to deliver:
"For the last decade I’ve:
Helped youth, high school, college and professional athletes up their games
Helped women lose weight (in one case 140+ pounds)
Helped men build confident, strong, athletic, bodies
The common thread? I helped them all change their lives. I can help you do the same. My work has been featured in CNN, Tnation.com, Yahoo, LifeHacker, T-Nation, AskMen, Bodybuilding.com, Roman Fitness Systems, and Huffington Post. I specialize in helping my clients build high-performance bodies that look as good as they play. This bridges the gap between athleticism and lookin’ great naked.
I want to do the same for you. I’m here to show you how transforming your body gives you the tools, mindset, and confidence to succeed at any task in life."
You can learn more about Eric and his team by clicking HERE
I am seriously SO jacked and pumped and all the other synonymous words, to be learning from one of the greatest. My business motto is "Let the beauty of what you love be what you do." When I am asked, "What made you decide to get into health coaching?" the answer is always simple and prepared. I love being healthy. I love knowing that its more than possible to feel like you are in the pits of hell with your mind and your body and to come out on the other side, alive, whole, and happy. We get one life, one body, one shot at this life.
We WILL make mistakes.
We WILL have crummy days and times.
We WILL have struggles.
BUT, we CAN and we WILL overcome them all. You CAN and you WILL live a life of abundance, crushed goals, and fulfilled dreams.

If you aren't there, and you want to be, shoot me a message. I am not a master of living through every single person's life. I don't, nor can anyone know exactly how you struggle, how you feel, or what you have endured. But, I can confidently tell you, my pain and my recovery, has made it my passion, to show you the life skills, the habit changes and clear and concise steps it takes, no matter what the goal is, to make that hope, a reality.
Head to my WEBSITE today to learn more!
20% off ALL COACHING packages through June 30th!
NOTE: Package prices are going UP in July!!! SAVE TODAY for the same GREAT success!
Also, save 20% on ALL Nutramedix products for their Summer Sale today through June 28th. Discount taken automatically at checkout! Click HERE to shop! PLUS! Use code SARA10 and get an EXTRA 10% off for a total of 30% off!!! This is HUGE savings for these amazing products and these percentages don't happen often, so I totally encourage and recommend you buy now!
(Disclaimer: I am an affiliate for Nutramedix so make a very small % back, but this is NOT an MLM. I just love Nutramedix so much and what is has personally done for my health and my family.)
