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Back in the Saddle

Writer's picture: bluerosewellnesscoachbluerosewellnesscoach

I CANNOT BELIEVE it is August already?! School is right around the corner for all 4 our kiddos. Thankfully my dear, handsome stallion of a husband always takes care of the school supply shopping and got that done last week! (Remember, he runs circles , ok sprints around me, so I always mezmerized by his timely action on life's obligations).

(Isn't he the most handsome?)

As I start to think about the beginning of Fall, I have really started to take my passion and experience of fitness more seriously again. Nannying an infant full time and parenting 4 kids doesn't leave a ton of wiggle room, but taking care of my health for my family and myself becomes more and more prudent the older I get. Just last week, I moved just the slightest and instantly felt a pinch in my lower back. As the day went on the pain became worse until I could barely walk from my bed to the bathroom. UGH! I have had lower back issues for as long as I can remember since having kids, but it had been really almost non existent for the last couple of years. So, I am slowly but surely getting a bit better each day with lots and lots of stretching and decompression and WATER! Hydration is so crucial for the body's healing on so many levels. I recently bought a GALLON, yes gallon sized water bottle where it gives me little "rah rah" motivational markers on the side of the bottle for different times of the day. To give you an idea of how big this sucker is, here is a photo of my coffee next to the Big Bertha! (haha I just literally named her that as I was typing).

OH! And heat. Lots and lots of heat packs to help the circulation to that area to enable healing. The physical therapy world always seems to be going back and forth and around again with the "ice or heat" debate, but my general rule of thumb still states this: If it is a NEW acute injury, ice within the first 24 hours. 10 minutes on/10 minutes off. Repeat as often as you would like. After that time, heat. Chronic injuries? Heat. A chronic injury that has been "re-injured" you could alternate some heat and ice for the first 24 hours and then stick with heat. Again, I AM NOT A DOCTOR, and I am not telling you to do this, I am just telling you what seems to work best for me. And let's face it, does the track record of the "profession" out there give us a TON of credibility these days anyway?? Personally?


So do what works.

Anyway...I have been using my spin bike more again and was thinking, I should go back to teaching my ONLINE classes, LIVE! It was a great set up where I could either Zoom or do them LIVE right from my website. It's no Peloton or Soul Cycle, but let's be's personal, it's fun, it gets the job done and it's me. I mean, what more could you ask for?! HAHAHA! I kid, I kid.

With that said, this is my feeler post to find out from you, my ladies, how many of you would be interested in attending my classes? As always, I am an options girl, so options you shall have! You could pay per class, per month, or even buy a "virtual punch card" where you pay for so many classes and then get like 3-6 months to use those classes at your convenience.

What would you need?

1) Well, for starters, an indoor spin bike. It doesn't have to be thousands of dollars, just a bike that works. My bike is a Schwinn model and the link to look at the bike I purchased (which I have zero affiliation with) is HERE.

2) Secondly, internet and a laptop, phone or get real crazy and cast my crazy sweaty self right to your big screen from your device! Your call, your class!!

That's it!!!

Oh, and an attitude of gratitude that God has enabled you with the amazing body you have, to be able to put that metal in motion and work up a sweat as we climb those imaginable hills and mountains together!

If this is something you are interested in, please shoot me a DM on my website, Facebook, Instagram or leave a comment below!

Enjoy the rest of your summer you crazy kids!!! Look forward to hearing from hopefully MANY of you SOON!





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