Yesterday, my oldest baby turned 18. 18!!!!! Ok, I'm sorry but this is just bizarre to me. I am not this old, right? I thought I just turned 18, and went to prom, and was planning for college?! Apparently, I am 42. I still get carded occasionally which helps my ego and I have yet to sprout one gray hair so I will focus on the positives of this aging crisis. Every time one of our kids have a birthday, we play the "Happy Birthday" song by Stevie Wonder throughout the entire house first thing in the morning. This year however, I thought I would blast "18 and a life" by Skid Row...until I looked up the lyrics and realized it's about an 18 year old boy who accidentally kills his best friend and ends up in prison. So.......decided to stick with Steve Wonder. ;)
We headed to the Wisconsin Dells this past weekend because our youngest son had a basketball tournament. We decided to make it an entire weekend, get a condo at the Wilderness waterpark resort and meet some friends there as well! It was a blast! I pretended the giant indoor dome wave pool was Cozumel as I drank my adult beverages, and it kind of, sort of, not all was somewhat similar. :). We still had tons of fun! Yesterday, Sam had off of work so him and I went on a little "mother/son date." We grilled hamburgers and steak (his request) for supper and with grandpa and grandma in tow, we headed to Rudy's Lanes in Two Rivers for some bowling action. I found out I bowl better actually with a few drinks in me! Who knew?! All in all, it was a great day and it sure gave me time to reminisce on this man child God so graciously gave us.
I found out I was pregnant with Sam less than 2 months after we were married. I remember taking a test in that OLD vicarage we lived in when Joel was in his third year of Seminary in Princeton, WI. I was one of those girls, who truly her entire life only wanted to be a mom. Sure, I wanted a career as I have always had many passions, mostly in the field of health and education, but lots of babies is what I wanted more than anything! I remember taking that test and just staring at it....shaking!! I WAS PREGNANT?!??

I had a pretty uneventful pregnancy with him. I gained massive weight, retained water, flared in acne ( I know, I am making it sound dreamy) and had HORRIBLE nausea the first 3 months, but besides all of that (lol),he was healthy and sweet and all was well. I went into labor on a Good Friday, April 18th and he was born at 4:20 AM on Sunday, Easter Sunday! It was a 42 hour labor from start to finish. I was determined, to have a completely natural childbirth. I hadn't even given the thought of using any type of pain medication. Well, just like life is completely uncertain , so was my labor. At 38 hours in, I thought either I need to have this baby or I need to die. lol. For real though!!!! Even my midwife was making mention of c-section and she was determined to not let that happen. She encouraged me to consider an epidural just so I could relax and let my body recover a bit. I agreed, and between the pain relief and her breaking my water, little BIG Sam was born 4 hours later!.. (Yes, he was born on 4/20 at 4:20.....laugh it up, we all do. :) ). He was just a 1/2 ounce under 10 LBS!!! AND! He was posterior presenting (face up) during the entire delivery. Between his size and his positioning my midwife said, "Well THAT is what took him so long!" The moment he came out, truly changed my life forever. He was so chubby and soft and squishy and cute! We were both exhausted so he just grunted and squeaked a bit. In a few minutes though, his Apgar was great and we were in love. Samuel Arden Stuebs. Our firstborn son.

Life has been a journey for everyone. Our family included. Samuel has been an amazing son. He is hilarious, smart, witty, strong, talented, driven and loving. I have never seen a teenage boy more engaged with his siblings and so helpful around the house. He has always been my protector and watches out for me. He is teaching me about hedge funds for goodness sakes!? Parenting Samuel has been a blessing, undeserved and a gift.
Five and a half weeks from today, Samuel will walk down that gym aisle of his high school and receive his diploma. His dad even has the honor to be doing part of the graduation service. His plans as of today, are to go to Wisconsin Lutheran College in Milwaukee, WI and he has been recruited as well to play football for the WLC Warriors. I know his nerves are buckling with him and he second guesses (often) this choice, but I have told him so many times: "If you don't try this you will never know. If it's something that peaks your interest ,yet equally are afraid, you need to just take that step and let it happen. God hasn't left you now and He never will." His current interests include the exercise and health sciences and he also has a business spirit inside of him, so my heart believes this is the path he has chosen and will continue. Time is on his side, and I have no doubt ,whatever he chooses and when he puts his best foot forward, he will succeed. But boy, will I miss him.

Thomas the train, My side of the Mountain, camoflauge and knives, butchering chickens, paracord bracelets, trumpet, football, fitness, 1,000 pound club, camping trips, swimming in the lake, fishing, Nemo, drawing, reading, Marvel, legos......and the list goes on and on. This sweet little child of mine has now gone and grown all up on me, and left this mama with a swelling heart of joy, pride and bewilderment.
I love you , sweet Samuel. Pick anyone of your so many God given talents, and go make a change in this world.
"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31
Congratulations Sam, and the MLHS Class of 2021!!!

Love, Mama